
  • Pilot actions

Interview 1/5: A smell of change (Slovenia)

The first in a series of five interviews with our project partners responsible for pilot implementation features Saša Zavratnik from e-Zavod, Slovenia, and their approach to the “smell experimentation”. We asked Saša a few questions about the current status of the pilot, the upcoming steps, and the overall goals. Here’s what she had to say:

“Herbs address several layers of the climate change problem. Project goal we want to achieve with Slovenian “smell pilot” is using the experiences of unpleasant and aromatic smells to influence purchase choices. In the first project period we have prepared a conceptual design for the implementation of the pilot, which has been approved by the UdA, a partner developing the methodology. We think we can achieve this with interventions like smell walks, scented experiences, handmade and culinary workshops. We contacted Tourist information centre Slovenske Konjice, which is currently preparing an offer for collaboration. They will ensure people’s (general public) participation, workshop providers, food and beverages, promotional materials (seedlings, etc.). We are planning to divide participants into three groups for different activities (control group, nudge intervention and cultural intervention). Since we depend on the growing and flowering season of the herbs, we will carry out actions in spring 2025 (testing phase).

The aim of our intervention is to promote sustainability, encourage local food consumption, increase the preparation and use of local natural products and food including local herbs, reduce the use of fragrance aerosols containing toxic substances for public and environmental health.

If you’d like to learn more about the historic town of Slovenske Konjice, visit their website:”