What we do

The overall objective of the NUDGES project is to undertake a feasibility study—grounded on the results of six experimental pilots and leveraging the territorial diversities and cultural commonalities of Mediterranean countries — for the successful integration of “nudging” strategies into the urban climate change mitigation and adaptation policies of MED local, regional, and national public authorities. Additionally, the Project aims to create a new and innovative community of interest and develop a transferability plan, paving the way for further research in this domain.


The power of visuals

The pilot is coordinated by the Museum of Humour in Gabrovo. They will engage young artist to help them to “nudge” people with drawings and cartoons towards climate friendly behaviour.

Sound inspiration

The pilot is coordinated by MUSOL (Valencia, Spain). They will try to raise citizen awareness on the effect that climate change induces on the “sounds” of the City, with the focus on reducing the carbon footprint of human activities.

A smell of change

The pilot is coordinated by eZavod (Ptuj, Slovenia). They will try to raise citizen awareness on the effect that climate change induces on the “smells” of the City and its surroundings, with the focus on reducing the carbon footprint of human activities.

Tasting the transformation

The pilot is coordinated by AUTH (Thessaloniki, Greece). They will try to raise citizen awareness on the connections between the products and recipes of the MED diet and the risks and challenges of global warming and climate change. Local restaurants and traditional food sellers will be involved in the pilot following the Living Lab approach.

Touching the untouchable

The pilot is coordinated by UdA (Pescara, Italy). The intervention will target the socio-economically deprived neighbourhood of Rancitelli in Pescara, known for high criminality and drug dealing rates, as well as a significant Roma community. Cultural mediators will facilitate activities to ensure the intervention’s ecological validity.

Next generation citizens

The pilot is coordinated by PREDA (Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina). The intervention will target school children and their parents, by identifying the most appropriated “nudges” to be used with children. They will try to impact children to parents’ communication, aiming to attract and engage both adults and children in common activities for the improvement of urban environment.