Interreg Euro-MED - NUDGES

NUDGES is an Interreg Euro-MED study project that aims to demonstrate how Mediterranean countries can utilize behavioural strategies (“nudging”) to improve urban climate policies. NUDGES will deliver six proofs of concept, testing and comparing the effectiveness of nudging interventions versus cultural interventions. These interventions will use an innovative approach that focuses on how people feel and sense things, including what they see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.


Bridging the Gap Between Climate Awareness and Action

Extreme weather events and passionate social movements have heightened public awareness of climate change. However, this awareness hasn’t yet led to widespread eco-friendly behaviours, especially in cities.                                       Experts stress that reaching net zero emissions requires not just technological advancements but also reducing high-emission consumption in areas like transportation, diet, and housing. Surprisingly, 72% of global greenhouse gas emissions come from individual lifestyle choices.                                                       Despite understanding the importance, many people find it challenging to change their habits, like opting for public transport instead of private cars. Changing habits is tough, but governments can help by making sustainable actions easier and harmful practices harder. Alternative incentives can nudge people toward greener choices.

Let’s turn awareness into action and work together for a sustainable future.



Project Partners



Policy Objective: A Greener Mediterranean – Mission 3 “Promoting green living area”

Specific Objective RSO2.4: Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience, taking into account eco-system based approaches.

Duration: 27 months (1st January 2024 – 31st March 2026)

Total Project Budget: 599.940,00 €